
PersonalWhat’s My Purpose?

What’s My Purpose?

As a seeker trying to understand who I am and my place in the universe, I’ve been asking spiritual people for the better part of two decades the fundamental question of what is my purpose? What am I supposed to do with my life? Who am I supposed to be? Then, one day I had this great epiphany. What I’m really meant to do is to be the full happy, joyful, expression of myself and to always seek happiness and everything like it.

When we come into this life, we all have soul intentions, and we all have inclinations and things that we may feel like we are guided to do or be. However, I also believe that we as energetic beings who are having a human experience, have free will in this plane of existence. We can and do have the ability to think, feel, and experience life in ways we choose.

As we exist in this physical state, it is essential to know that we all come in with a purpose, but our lives and our purpose are not completely written. The beauty of being a human being is that we are here on a field trip to not just figure it out, but to create it any way we can imagine or want.  Regardless of the structures and circumstances of each of our lives, whether positive or negative or some blend of that, each of us has free will and more power over our thoughts, feelings and experiences than we realize. We have the ability and power to choose our thoughts and feelings, always. And those things influence what we experience more than you know.

There have been things that I just “know” that I’ve wanted to accomplish in this life that I thought were my purpose. Yet, slowly but surely over the past few decades what is now unfolding as my “purpose” really has less to do with what has been my job or career. All my past successes and experiences to date are good, but my greatest soul intention is now about being able to experience a higher degree of truth, happiness, love, power, joy, and freedom, which is still unfolding in unknown ways. I am now focused on seeking a life and experiences that bring me a feeling of limitless happiness and all things like it, whatever that may be. And again, what that may be is unfolding in untold ways every day.  It is kind of a strange place to be as a highly over directed and planful overachiever, but it is working. I am happier already.


Being able to be the full expression of myself, be in the greater love and joy within myself and to have a life where I experience it all in daily living is exactly what I’m supposed “to do and be” in this lifetime. Does it mean that I am a successful businessperson? Maybe. Does it mean that I am a philosopher? Maybe. A teacher? Maybe. The best mom ever? Maybe (unless of course you ask my daughter. Lol) How about a great partner? Maybe. Could it be a lot of those things mixed? Yes, and anything else I want. It will continue to evolve.

It’s my choice steered by my connection with my higher self and guide. It’s not society’s choice. It’s not my parents’ choice. It’s not my extended family or friends’ choice. It’s mine. It has always been mine and yet I’ve lived my life as if I had to live for and through others. The value and meaning of my life have historically been driven through how others perceived me. My whole life I’ve been operating within a set of rules and roles and structures that I thought had to be and that I had to follow. I was wrong. 

I spent my entire life trying to be the good daughter, the good family member, a good girlfriend, then the good wife, the good student, the good employee, the good leader, and the good person. It’s been exhausting. It’s not that I don’t believe in being all those things because I really do. I want to be a good person, in fact, the best human being possible. I want to be somebody who lives in high integrity, with decency and is of service to the world. I still want to do all those things, but I don’t have to do anything to be worthy and of value as a human being.  I am regardless of what I do or say. We all are. We just live as if we are not, operating within false belief structures that keep us clogged, confused and disempowered.

I simply have come to realize that I have more freedom and power than I thought to know and manifest my life and my purpose. I had a friend say to me while I was having breakfast, “Do you understand that you hold all the power? That you hold all the cards in the deck, and you can do anything that you want to do, but you live your life is if you don’t.”  He was talking about my business life, but in truth, it was a statement about a good chunk of my entire life. I have always been existing and operating as if I don’t have all the power.

It all comes down to how I restricted my own thoughts and my own expression in this life. I do hold the power to create, change and define my life. I’m done living as if I have less control, power, and free will than I do.   It has only taken 50+ years of living to get here. 

As I meditate, soften, and learn to let go of old and incorrect beliefs, I am beginning to rewrite my own destiny and my own meaning in life. If we are meant to define our own meaning and purpose and joy in this life, then I finally get it. I’ve taken a huge existential leap forward, and above all, it just brings me more peace and relief. The ability to relax and move through life with greater ease, focus, purpose, and direction just feels good. It is something we all should and can feel and do. And it starts with a recognition of our true power and freedom to say YES to it.

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Nicole Carey is an award-winning business executive with nearly thirty years working and leading teams within government, non-profit, and for-profit agencies. She currently serves as a Chief Strategy Officer specializing in government management and strategic advisory services. She is a business and empowerment coach and mentor committed to helping all people, especially women, thrive and find their version of happiness and all things like it. Nicole works to improve people’s lives and careers individually, in groups and with organizations. Regardless of sector or industry, her work is focused on creating inner and outer alignment to achieve life goals.

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Nicole Carey
Business and Empowerment Coach
