
WritingMusings on the Organization and Meaning of Life and Stuff Like It

Musings on the Organization and Meaning of Life and Stuff Like It

My whole life I’ve been obsessed with uncovering and understanding the meaning of life. I was always interested in philosophy and politics. I went to college and grad school to read the great philosophers, and political thought leaders from Socrates, Plato, Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau all the way to Kant, Nietzsche, and Karl Marx. Why do societies exist as they are? What is the meaning and purpose of society? Of communities within the state? Why do human beings exist? Why does anyone personally exist? What is their purpose? What is the meaning of life, and why are we here individually and collectively? Why do some believe in religion and a higher power and purpose, and others believe in nothing? Why am I here in this life, in this incarnation, and in this moment of time and space experiencing what I am experiencing versus something else?

I have been asking these questions since I was a little girl –wanting to know, and wanting to not just know, but also understand, and to be able to use that information to create a more meaningful and purpose driven life. Most people who are seeking some level of consciousness or higher awareness about their life ask similar questions at some point. Maybe folks don’t ask questions about the organization of politics, the state and community but that was just my thing having grown up watching PBS and being forced to watch Wall Street Week in Review instead of cartoons.

I’ve been searching my entire life to understand the meaning of my life and of all life.  I’ve worked with a not-inconsequential number of spiritual people and read enough existential and spiritual literature to choke a horse. I continue to do so actually. All of this is part of my quest to understand my whole self, the world, the universe, higher consciousness, and my place within it. Just little stuff. 🙂 If you have not guessed it, I’m a Texas tad focused, dare one say obsessed, with knowing, learning, and growing. It’s my thing. But trying to figure out the age-old question of what the meaning of life is, is no small task as any true philosopher or seeker knows.

The great philosopher, Socrates, said “I think, therefore, I am.” Those simple words have such a tremendous meaning, and yet I don’t think that we, as human beings, always absorb what that statement means. Yet, if you understand that it is our capacity to think, imagine, create and believe is what creates and defines our lives and its meaning, then you are on track with getting at the root of life’s meaning.

Life is really like one big existential game where one of the key rules is that you get to create the meaning and experience of your life. You do this through and by what you think about and focus on, and what you choose to believe and feel. The meaning of our lives exists because of the meaning that we each give to it through our thoughts and feelings. If you also understand that beliefs are nothing more than something that we think over and over again (a repetitive thought pattern) that we hold as “true,” then you just might grasp that you have the capacity to redefine your meaning of life.

I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of books and pages of information about this idea for years, but only recently have I begun to truly understand it and embody it.  Every day is an opportunity to continue to create the meaning and experience of life that we each desire. Within our thoughts and our accompanying feelings and emotions lies the key to so much freedom and unlimited possibility. It’s thrilling to me.

As I continue to soak this in, It’s a bit of a mind tweak. It is exploding and reshaping my mind daily. This simple, yet-oh-so-important construct is radically transforming how I look at and live and choose things in life. This stupidly simple yet powerful concept that I’ve only recently come to fully absorb is changing my mood, my outlook, my experience and what I am trying to manifest.

I feel like my whole world has been opened.  I’m now unshackled by the chains of convention and limited thinking. I am no longer beholden to ways of being and doing life the way other people want me to think about and do it. I am free. I am not only free, I am also free and capable of creating the meaning I choose in my life without restriction, or impediment from anybody or anything. I don’t know why I never got that before, but I didn’t. And now I do. And I’m committed to helping others do the same.

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Nicole Carey is an award-winning business executive with nearly thirty years working and leading teams within government, non-profit, and for-profit agencies. She currently serves as a Chief Strategy Officer specializing in government management and strategic advisory services. She is a business and empowerment coach and mentor committed to helping all people, especially women, thrive and find their version of happiness and all things like it. Nicole works to improve people’s lives and careers individually, in groups and with organizations. Regardless of sector or industry, her work is focused on creating inner and outer alignment to achieve life goals.

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Nicole Carey
Business and Empowerment Coach
